Justice And Peace Commission

The Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) of the Archdiocese of Boston was established in 1979 by the Planning Office for Urban Affairs to tackle issues affecting the welfare of various constituencies in Boston. Through initiatives such as the development of peace education and conflict resolution programs, worker and union programs and significant efforts to support the fishing community, the JPC was able to have a direct impact on the lives of thousands of Massachusetts residents.

Specifically, the JPC sought to:

Provide a program of peace education for parishes;
Develop a capacity to assist disputes through conflict resolution;
Encourage the creation of worker cooperatives;
Develop union guidelines for the archdiocese; and
Support Boston lobstermen and the members of the Massachusetts fishing community. 

In existence until 1984, the JPC was successful in spearheading a variety of programs. Among the most successful were two that grew into independent initiatives, the Boston Harbor Lobster Cooperative and the Massachusetts Fisherman's Partnership.